
Eat & Thrive Kitchen may accept forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions and other types of compensation. However, all views and opinions expressed on this website and associated social media accounts are my own.

As a spokesperson, I may accept payment (cash or other forms of compensation) for sponsored posts. When I write a sponsored post, these will be clearly marked by a disclosure statement at the beginning of the post. All sponsored posts on social media will be indicated with a disclosure statement or hashtag (e.g. #sponsored). Please know it is my policy to only review and accept compensation from organisations I believe in or products I would use myself. However, any sponsored posts or product reviews will not be impacted by compensation. I will not review or support products/organisations I do not like.

Companies may occasionally send me samples, products or services free of charge. Any posts on this will include a disclosure statement. Any posts that do not include a disclosure statement indicate I have purchased the associated
products/services with my own funds, and no compensation has been provided.

Any links to a product, company or third party for item purchases (including where to purchase said item) may be an affiliate link. Clicking on these links and purchasing items from these websites may give me a small commission. Please know that I heavily vet all affiliates before any agreements are made.

I may accept payment for any freelance projects or consulting work from various clients, including but not limited to brands, media organisations, and food companies. Said companies and brands may be mentioned in published content and will include a disclosure statement or hashtag (e.g. #sponsored). Furthermore, a list of my sponsors can be found below.

I currently have, or have had in the past, a monetary relationship (i.e contract, freelance work, or advertisement/sponsorship revenue) with the following organisations:

  •  None as of yet